CMSC - Global Snowsports - 2024 - HR-73.jpeg


Crosscut’s Global Snowsports Program

Welcoming families to the snow

Inglés abajo/English below


Descripción en español

El “Programa Global de Deportes de Nieve” ofrece clases de esquí cada semana para estudiantes y familias que no han tenido muchas oportunidades de participar en deportes de nieve.  Este programa es para todos, con un foco de servir a la gente bilingüe y multicultural.

El Programa Global de Deportes de Nieve ofrece instrucción y actividades para esquiadores principiantes e intermedios.  El equipo, lecciones, y actividades son completamente gratis.

Fechas 2025:

1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 (participar en el evento Crosscut Classic), 2/22, 3/1

Más información

Si está interesado en participar o desea obtener más información, nos contacta a


English description

The Global Snowsports Program offers a weekly cross-country ski session to students and families that traditionally haven’t had many opportunities to participate in snow sports. This program is for anyone, with an emphasis on serving bilingual and multicultural students and families.

Global Snowsports offers ski instruction and activities to first-time, beginner, and intermediate skiers. Ski gear, lessons, and activities will be provided at no cost.

2025 Dates

1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 (participate in the Crosscut Classic), 2/22, 3/1

More information

If you are interested in participating in this program or would like to learn more about it, please email


Get involved — volunteer with us!

We welcome volunteers who are are dedicated to ensuring a positive and welcoming environment for our Global Snowsports participants. Volunteers receive special perks in recognition of their commitment to this program. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for this program please reach out to our Ski Education staff at to find out more.


Thank you Share Winter

Este programa está financiado en parte por la Fundación Share Winter.

This program is funded in part by the Share Winter Foundation.