Crosscut’s Ski Education School Program
Outdoor fun for students
Crosscut offers quality ski and science education programs to K-12 aged youth from around Montana. These programs are designed to introduce students to cross-country skiing and spark a lifetime of awareness and appreciation for outdoor landscapes.
Use these links if you are looking for our homeschool program, adult Naturalist on Skis program, or Global Snowsports program?
School Program Offerings
Adventures in Winter Ecology (3rd-12th) and Nordic Adventures (K-2nd)
We offer two programs for local schools: Adventures in Winter Ecology and Nordic Adventures. The programs provide skiing, science, and Indigenous Peoples education to a wide range of students. Our schedule for this season has already filled, but if you are a teacher who would like to get on the waitlist, please email
Our Ski Education curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to offer place-based learning experiences in the outdoors, while incorporating elements of the Next Generation Science Standards within each activity. It supports experiential learning and offers a unique supplemental educational opportunity for students. We strive to provide an education experience that is adaptable and engaging for grades 3rd-12th. For K-2 graders, our program teaches students the basics of cross-country skiing and fosters an appreciation of the stunning environment and all the critters who call Crosscut home.
Check Out Our 2019 Film About the Program
Ski along for a field trip and experience the wonder of our School Ski Education Program.

About Our Instructors
Helping kids grow in confidence, knowledge, and self-awareness
Our instructors come from diverse educational and professional backgrounds, but share a common passion for getting kids outside on skis and connecting them with the natural world. From NOLS instructors, to retired teachers, all our instructors are knowledgeable, experienced educators.
Crosscut strives to make our ski education program accessible and inclusive to all students. We believe that cross country skiing can be a rewarding lifelong activity for everyone!